Thursday, 26 January 2012

Asking Alexandria - The Final Episode Music Video Analysis (3)

1. Institutional/Reference Information
I am analysing Asking Alexandria's music video "The Final Episode". The reason why is because of it's creativty on following the beat of the music and genre and how he varies his voice for each part of the lyrics to give it a unique feel to it, It is directed by -
2. What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?

3. What is the relationship between music and visuals?
The relationship between the music and the visuals is very much exact, as it appears to always keep on track with the music and maintaing the speed and beats even when it is showing items fall in slow motion, It also gets faster with more cuts when the song speeds up and gets heavier. Which it also does the same when the music is abit slower, however it is still very quick paced and heavy. The visuals show them head banging in their own unique form of style, along with the drums and guitars as well as the vocalist, their inside a garage looking place showing it's private and their free to go wild just like the song can be considered.
4. Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?
There are plenty of close-ups of the artists and their star image, which is long styled hairm dressed in black and some tattoo's, It also shows close ups when it goes into the vocalist singing his lines and head banging, it also shows slow motions close ups of the guitarists whilst playing entertaingly, The camera also likes to track itself forward and backwards into their faces.
5. Is there reference to the notion of looking?
There is not really any sexual displays at all however they have their own image of notion for looking as I'm sure plenty of girls may find someone in the band attractive and like what they see if their into that sort of boys so the notion of looking is dependant hugely on the individuals, however there is nothing at all sexual about this video just wildness.
6. Are there intertextual references?
This music video is perhaps related to many other rock genre based music videos as they it's known for performance in areas which are slightly abandoned and have no one around meaning they can perform widly without worries and have full effect of the band being viewed. Also the style of tattoo's and hair and clothes may also be common along a certain sterotype known as emos or goths.
7. Is the music video performance-based, narrative-based or concept-based?
My view on this music video is that it is highly performance based and not really anything else , As in the music video they appear just to be going wild and singing as if it was a live show with no one turning up to watch it.

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