Friday, 23 March 2012

Personal Diary

Day 1 - I met up with my fellow friends on a Saturday early in the morning, 11am giving us time to prepare and get idea's of how everything being done shall be done. However there was a slight problem as my friends had appeared but my brother did not return home due to not being able to make it and failed to communicate to tell me til later on the day. As him being the chosen artist for the music video this left very awkward tention within the group until we decided we should just take some test shots of me performing, having low confidence I realised that I was most deffinately not set out for the task of taking the lead role of artist so we decided to wait till my brother can make it.

Day 2 - Sunday was a restful day and my brother having returned we discussed on what we shall have to do and when is the best time to do it, then he told me he had free day's off work within the weekdays and luckily I only had a short day of school we decided that we will film what we can on that day and see how much of it can be used and how good it will turn out. The day we had chosen was Thursday.

Day 3 - Thursday came round quite quickly and as planned we did it, I finished my school lessons and asked the Media department if I could take out the camera and tripod and they allowed me to as we was getting close to the deadline and I was finding this project much harder then anticipated, However after arriving at certain locations we found what we needed and went for it, My brother was first very uncomfortable having not done this before and miming proved difficult however we just went for it and got what was needed in making a music video.

Day 4 - Due to having forgotten to take photo's of the location, we have decided to go back to the main location dressed as he was and to take some quick photos as evidence, Also having to make an album cover this comes in very useful as it gives me time to find an effective image for the cover.

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