Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Audience Feedback of my Music Video (1)

After finishing my music video I have asked around for feedback of what is good and what is bad, trying to find out the positives and the negatives of my video.

The positive feedback stated that I used good transitions meaning that the edits between clips and the effects used stood out in a good way.
Good use of lights and locations, this is stating that the lighting of my music video is clear and good enough to show the artist and location effectively.
Good acting which means the artist is believeable within his performance of the music video meaning it gives a positive look to it.

The negative feedback is about the lip synch which appears to be a bit off meaning that some of the clips his mouth isn't moving at the correct time.
Could've used more people was another negative however I don't take this feedback as offensive as my main intention was making a music video with just the artist performing a performance and narrative.

My Final Video!


My Evaluation

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Photo of me blogging

This is a quick picture of me on my blog site, doing some blogs looking rough as hell.

Audience Research Answer 4

Question 1) Male

Question 2) 19

Question 3) Rock and Electro, because it's gives me a great feeling and I can normally relate to lyrics around that genre along with their style and up beat tempo also allowing me to feel energetic and active.

Question 4) I prefer a bit of both however Narrative I feel can be very crucial to a music video

Question 5) It varies depending on the locations however I'd say roughly 3-5

Question 6) The artist and characters within the music video as well as what is happening, along with good cuts and a unique sense of style

Question 7) It depends on the type of music, and what the music video is containing, so No

Audience Research Answer 3

Question 1) Male

Question 2) 21

Question 3) Rock because it's the emotions without loud noises

Question 4) Narrative

Question 5) Doesn't bother me

Question 6) Characters and Story

Question 7) Yes

Audience Research Answer 2

Question 1) Female

Question 2) 17

Question 3) Hip Hop, Because it cheers me up and Jazz cause it's relaxing

Question 4) Bit of both

Question 5) About 4 or 5

Question 6) When there's so many cuts between different close ups or interesting things that relate to the song or lyrics.

Question 7) No, not necessarily

Audience Research Answer 1

Question 1) Female

Question 2) 16

Question 3) Rock, I guess because it's more appealing to me

Question 4) Narrative

Question 5) 3

Question 6) The song and the clothing of the singer

Question 7) Not necessarily

Audience Research - Questionnaire

These are my questions in my questionnaire I am using to help me find out what interest audiences and their view on music videos and the main attraction to it within the different age's.

Question 1) Is Your Gender Male Or Female?

Question 2) What is your age?

Question 3) Favorite music genre and why?

Question 4) What do you prefer within a music video? (Narrative or Performance)

Question 5) How many different locations do you expect to see within a good music video?

Question 6) What makes a music video stand out to you?

Question 7) Do you think the music pace should be the same pace as the music video for it to be successful?

Link to group blog
This is the link to my group blog even though I'm working alone I felt the need to slightly get another blogger as if I'm working in a group.

Problems faced when editing

Whilst editing I encountered certain problems such as finding possible clips for each part as there are certain words in which he does not mime correctly in any of the clips I had filmed, so luckily I had backup clips of him roaming around and doing productive stuff to slot in when all things turned to doubt.

Other problems when editing was coming to terms with the Final Cut programme which took me some time in learning how to control it productively, however I had gotten used to it pretty quickly and got straight into editing as I was running short of time, however I managed to finish on time and felt a lot of stress lifted off my shoulder and proud of what I had achieved alone as most may have no conquered it.

Monday, 26 March 2012


The props being used to film my music video and which is within the music video are varied slightly, such as the little things on the artist is;-
Leather Jacket
Studded Belt
White/Greyish Jeans
Black Cowboy Boots
The reason in which I used these props for the artist is to make his figure stand out and give him a more elegant classy look whilst performing the song.

The props I used within the music video that wasn't on the artist was also varied slightly such as;-
Messy Female Room
The reason for using these slightly limited props is to show a rather creepily perv stalker image as it relates to the song quite smartly I feel and gives an effective look to the music video's paste.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Personal Diary

Day 1 - I met up with my fellow friends on a Saturday early in the morning, 11am giving us time to prepare and get idea's of how everything being done shall be done. However there was a slight problem as my friends had appeared but my brother did not return home due to not being able to make it and failed to communicate to tell me til later on the day. As him being the chosen artist for the music video this left very awkward tention within the group until we decided we should just take some test shots of me performing, having low confidence I realised that I was most deffinately not set out for the task of taking the lead role of artist so we decided to wait till my brother can make it.

Day 2 - Sunday was a restful day and my brother having returned we discussed on what we shall have to do and when is the best time to do it, then he told me he had free day's off work within the weekdays and luckily I only had a short day of school we decided that we will film what we can on that day and see how much of it can be used and how good it will turn out. The day we had chosen was Thursday.

Day 3 - Thursday came round quite quickly and as planned we did it, I finished my school lessons and asked the Media department if I could take out the camera and tripod and they allowed me to as we was getting close to the deadline and I was finding this project much harder then anticipated, However after arriving at certain locations we found what we needed and went for it, My brother was first very uncomfortable having not done this before and miming proved difficult however we just went for it and got what was needed in making a music video.

Day 4 - Due to having forgotten to take photo's of the location, we have decided to go back to the main location dressed as he was and to take some quick photos as evidence, Also having to make an album cover this comes in very useful as it gives me time to find an effective image for the cover.

Filming Schedule

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Locations Used

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My Brother Ryan Vlahos .........